Pure Hydrogen Presents at the Brisbane Mining Investor Conference 2023

Pure Hydrogen Presents at the Brisbane Mining Investor Conference 2023

An artist's impression of the prime mover Pure Hydrogen will be trialling with PepsiCo in Q2 CY23.
Pure Hydrogen Corporation (ASX: PH2) has presented its plans to build Australia’s hydrogen ecosystem by becoming a utility that aims to be the lowest-cost producer and supplier of hydrogen.
The Company outlined it will achieve this through its capital-light structure and the strategic development of Australia’s most diverse portfolio of hydrogen projects, from production to end-use fuel cell products, such as prime movers, generators and waste trucks.

Strategic highlights:

  • Developing Emerald & Turquoise Hydrogen production plants which are anticipated to be operating commercially in the next 12 months.
  • No debt and cash position of ~$14.7 million as off 31 December 2022 provides a strong platform for growth & project advancement.
  • Targeting to build a network of hydrogen facilities across Australia focusing on manufacturing, storage, transport and supply.
  • Delivering products to customers in 2023; waste trucks, generators, and prime movers.
  • Agreements are in place in Australia, Europe, Malaysia and India for Pure Hydrogen and its investees to deliver hydrogen fuel cell devices.
  • Due to run trials of its first hydrogen-powered truck with PespiCo in Q2 CY23.
  • The truck will be on display at the Brisbane Truck Show, where there is potential for an initial order of 10 or more.

Strategy de-risked by capital light structure:

  • Selling hydrogen for high gross margins of potentially 50% or more.
  • Aligning with technology partners whose hydrogen devices Pure Hydrogen can sell for a margin while locking in long-term hydrogen supply contracts for customers.
  • A utility model where Pure Hydrogen is a third-party seller of the hydrogen for suppliers/producers.
  • Partnerships with companies that have the technology to develop & operate Emerald, Turquoise & Green Hydrogen plants, while Pure Hydrogen focuses on sales/distribution.